Welcome new members

Do I need to audition?

Auditions are not required. Perfect attendance at either rehearsals or performances is not required, but attendance will be taken to monitor participation and band size. Please note, members who do not meet a minimum participation may be asked to step down from active status.  

Are there any dues?

There are no dues, and the only cost is the summer uniform shirt (about $25).


Rehearsals are from September through late June on Tuesdays, 7:30-9:30 p.m., in the gymnasium of St. Martin’s Lutheran Church School, 1120 Spa Rd. (view map). When the county schools or St. Martin’s are closed for holidays, weather, or emergency reasons, we do not meet. Please notify the membership coordinators if you will miss a rehearsal.

Music Folders

At the start of each rehearsal, find the folder for your instrument/part/chair in the milk crate. After you have registered with the band, you may sign for a music folder to use at rehearsals and take home to practice. Folder sign-out institutes liability and financial responsibility for sheet music.


About 12 concerts a year are given in various community facilities in the greater Annapolis area. Performances are generally Tuesday evenings and Sunday afternoons. Please notify your section leader as much in advance as possible if you will miss a performance.  Some members may be asked to sit out a performance if the full band is too large for a performance site.

Concert Dress

Winter: Men wear white shirts, black bow ties, black or navy blue suits or tuxes. Women wear all black or a white blouse with a black jacket and a black skirt or pants.
Summer: Bay Winds summer short sleeve shirt ($25 – ordered at rehearsal), khaki slacks (or long Bermuda shorts for very hot weather), black/ brown shoes with appropriate color belt. Hats at outdoor performances: (including full brim) preferably beige or a neutral color.


Rehearsals will be cancelled on days when Annapolis High School is closed due to school holidays, weather, or emergency. Performances may be cancelled due to weather unless there is an alternative indoor site. Notice of changes will be sent by email and posted on the web site and Facebook page when possible.

Download Membership Docs

Would you like to make music with us? Contact us now!

Even if you have not played for years, we invite you to dust off your instrument and join us. New members are welcome, most especially in low brass, low reeds, horn, & percussion. If interested, please reach out today through this contact form.


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